Our Mission: To provide inclusive supports that nurture healing, resilience, and positive change.
Our Vision: Supported, empowered, and connected individuals throughout all communities in Southeast Saskatchewan.
Our Guiding Principles
Our values provide the guiding principles and beliefs that shape our behaviours, decision-making processes, actions, and the delivery of programs and services that meet the needs of our community, citizens, and stakeholders. We will act, always keeping the following values and beliefs in mind:
Inclusive: We provide a compassionate, non-judgemental environment, accessible to all. We respect and honour diversity.
Integrity: We ensure reliability, transparency, honesty, accountability, and confidentiality are held in the highest regard.
Committed: We are committed to providing consistent and strength-based support services that foster change and growth.
Innovative: We strive to develop solutions to meet the needs of the communities we serve by being collaborative, inventive, adaptable, and flexible.
Wellness: We promote self-care, personal awareness and boundary-setting to encourage harmony within their lives.
Knowledgeable: We challenge each other to continually learn and share knowledge to foster change and growth.
Envision Counselling and Support Centre provides therapeutic counselling and support, crisis intervention, in-home services, groups, workshops and education that help individuals, families and couples to feel empowered and content.
Envision believes in client-centered counselling, emphasizing engaging clients’ strengths. This means our clients decide what issues they will work on. Envision counsellors won’t force clients to do something they’re not ready for.
Counselling is available for:
- Survivors and secondary survivors of abuse, violence and sexual assault.
- Children (aged 5 – 18) who have witnessed violence.
- Families experiencing an event or situation that is overwhelming or traumatic.
- Couples.
- Stalking and harassment victims.
- Individuals exposed to human trafficking or sexual exploitation.
Anyone interested in accessing services can call one of our four offices. All calls are confidential and we do not subscribe to call display. Collect calls to the offices are accepted.
Our History
Envision Counselling and Support Centre was created in 1994 under the name Violence Intervention Program (VIP). It was the collaboration of the Estevan Society Against Family Violence and the Weyburn Community Against Family Violence. Both groups had been in existence for more than 10 years. These groups approached the provincial government for specialized services for victims of abuse and violence in Estevan and Weyburn. Funding was obtained for individual and group counselling services.
Once established, VIP started the 24-Hour Abuse/Sexual Assault Support Line to provide support after office hours. The line received 10,000 calls from Saskatchewan callers in its first 10 years. In 2008, VIP went in a new direction. The name was changed to Envision Counselling and Support Centre Inc. and new programs were introduced to enhance the services already offered: Outreach Program, Children Exposed to Violence Program and the In-Home Program which was the umbrella for the Family Support Program, and the Child and Youth Program.
The past few years have been filled with change for Envision and we are proud that we have expanded our programming to offer increased support to the communities in Southeast Saskatchewan. In 2011, Envision received funding for the Family Intervention Program, which operates out of Carlyle, as well as the Estevan and Weyburn offices. In 2013 the Interpersonal Violence and Abuse Program was expanded to operate out of our Carlyle office. In 2015, the In-Home Program was renamed the Family Support Program, to encompass the Family Support Program, Child and Youth Program and Diversion Program. In early 2016, we also began providing support services for the Sun Country Health Region’s Acquired Brain Injury Program.
Team Envision now consists of approximately 45 staff members and operates out of four offices, located in Southeast Saskatchewan in Estevan, Weyburn, Carlyle and Oxbow and serves a population of more than 56,000 people.
Reaching Out to the Community
If you are interested in learning more about Envision or our programming, contact one of our offices. Envision’s Outreach Program offers educational workshops and presentations for any group in the Southeast.
We invite you to book a presentation to learn more about conflict resolution, healthy relationships, parenting skills, stress management, self-esteem or Envision itself. We will do our best to tailor presentations to meet the needs of any group.
Our Strategic Priorities
The following five interrelated, mutually supportive strategic priorities are at the heart of our Strategic Plan:
1. Developing and delivering essential programming and services
2. Strengthening networking opportunities
3. Building staff capacity and expansion
4. Increasing financial supports and maintaining financial stability
5. Providing excellence in governance
View Our New Strategic Plan Here