Envision participates in many community events and programs in hopes of creating awareness and education on the issues of abuse and violence. Envision welcomes the opportunity to set up a display table with information and resources at any public event.
If you are holding a health fair, educational event, etc. and would like Envision to participate please contact us.
Envision believes that education and awareness are key components in eliminating abuse and violence in our communities. Envision provides educational presentations, workshops, groups, community events and initiatives throughout Southeast Saskatchewan. It is our hope to build a society that understands the impact of abuse and violence and its impacts on our community and families through education to community stakeholders, students, agencies, businesses and organizations.
More Information on our Educational Presentations
More information on our Workshops
More information on our Groups
More information on our News and Events
Additional ways we reach out to the community include the following:
Lending Library
Envision has an extensive lending library of resources (books, videos, informational packages) that are available to clients, organizations and professionals. The library is supported by individual and community donations as well as grants.
Envision has a list of helpful websites and also, many helpful resources on this website.
Join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
Envision is on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. After you join, you will receive regular updates on upcoming workshops, groups, volunteer training, events and news articles. Joining is a great way to keep in touch with what is happening at Envision, in and around the Southeast Saskatchewan.
Find us on: 
Envision has made a commitment to keep relevant and up to date information on the website at all times. The website has a confidential email where individuals can write directly to one of Envision’s counsellors. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions for our website, please contact one of our offices; we welcome new ideas and information.
If you would like Envision to provide a link to your website, please contact us at info@envisioncounsellingcentre.com. We appreciate your consideration of providing an Envision link on your website as well!
Community Development
Communities must be built from within in order to make a change. If we are going to ensure family and community well-being and reduce violence, we are going to need community stakeholders to come together.
Envision would welcome the opportunity to come to your meeting and discuss how your community can make a difference!
Program Promotion
Envision has a limited advertising budget with a large geographical area to cover. We attempt to create on-going awareness about our services for counselling and support through distribution of flyers and pamphlets. As this is very time-consuming and costly, we would welcome assistance in this task. If you notice an area that could benefit from a poster, please contact us and we will arrange for posters to be sent. We also would appreciate any help from community members to distribute these posters.